Nicci was one of our first participants in our pilot workshops in Oakland in spring of 2015. She expected to contribute posts of severe weather and drought when asked to participate. She thought flooding and dried lawns would be how she saw evidence of climate change. However, in the six week period she was asked to contribute posts, she found herself indoors more often than not; she already had a habit of photographing and posting images of her meals to Instagram, but following her workshop participation she started asking herself what role these meals played in her resilience or vulnerability to climate change.
Nicci was particularly a fan of avocados (and photographed them often), but she also started to notice avocados almost always cost extra. She started to question this and learned that avocado’s cost extra due in part to their shipping from regions near the equator or their need to be grown in greenhouses. Nicci noted her love of avocados and consumption of them out of season could be contributing to climate change. She also realized that future climate impacts could make avocados (and coffee and chocolate) luxury items and cost prohibitive. Her digital narrative, ‘Where does your garden salad grow,’ starts with the prompt, ‘I know guacamole costs extra,’ and goes on to describe the potential impact climate change has on food choices and vice versa.
Shared by @niccivision